Agroserna SL has dedicated more than 20 years to research with the few means we have had at our disposal.
We believe that there is very little time left and that there is still a lot to learn about TMR technology, especially with the high expectations that we envision when coming into contact with the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) and with the preliminary results we obtained. We already knew from the beginning that the road to travel would be long and expensive.
In the last 10 years, studies have been carried out in a large part of the universities around the world, and the multiple functional properties of this technology have been highlighted. Agroserna SL continues with its research and projects to offer the best products on the market.

For some time now we have collaborated in the formulation and testing of novel active ingredients of ADAPTOGENICO origin, with other Spanish, French, Italian, Hungarian and Swiss companies; At the same time as scientific institutions such as the Department of Natural Products of the University of Havana (Cuba), the Cuban Institute of Investigations of the Sugar Cane Derivatives (ICIDCA), the Cuban business group LABIOFAM, the National Center of Coffee Research (CENICAFE, Colombia), the Murcian Institute for Agricultural Research and Development and Food (IMIDA), the Universities of Alicante and Murcia, the Experimental Station of Cajamar in the Paraje Las Palmerillas de Almería, the Center for Edaphology and Applied Biology of the Segura (CEBAS), the Miguel Hernández University and the Regional Service for Agrifood Research and Development (SERIDA) in Asturias.