Formulated type: Liquid solution.
Soluble concentrate (SL). Solubility in water: 100%.
PH range in which stability is guaranteed
of the complexed fraction: pH between 3 and 9.
Density: 1.2 kg / L.
pH: 4.5
W. CALIBOR SYSTEM can be used in foliar, root or simultaneous application.
Perform in all cultures 2-4 applications spaced 15-20 days at the following doses:
• Citrus and fruit trees: 200/300 ml / 100 L. or 3 to 6 L / ha from pre-flowering.
• Horticultural: 200/300 ml / 100 L. or 3 to 4 L / ha from pre-flowering.
• Extensive and industrial: 1-2 L / ha and application from 30-50 days of emergence and in pre-flowering.
Citrus, Fruit and Horticultural: from 40 to 80 L / ha and crop cycle
In direct injection: between 25 and 35 ml / m3 of water.
Calcium is a macroelement of little mobility inside the plant. Thus, deficiencies of calcium during growth and fruiting, either because of its low content in soils, or because of problems of availability, absorption, mobility in the plant or assimilation, cause various physiopathies.
The complexed form of calcium and the presence of boron in this product facilitate rapid absorption, transport and assimilation of calcium inside the plant.
In addition boron acts as a precursor of sugars.
Preventive and corrective effect against calcium and boron deficiencies.
It increases the turgidity, hardness, elasticity and quality of the skin and the fruit itself.
Some of the anomalies that help to prevent are: chlorosis of the edges of young leaves, hunching of growing apices, apical aseptic rots (olive, pepper, tomato, etc), apple pitting (bitter pit), bifurcation of the root of the beet and carrot, tip-burn of lettuce, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, cracked skin tomato, cherry and other fruits, claret in citrus etc.
Product with TMR Technology. Adaptogenic effect.